Friday, December 27, 2019

Migrations During the Dark Age of Ancient Greece

Well never know exactly how Greece came to create colonies in Asia Minor and in southern areas of Italy, Megale Hellas, known better by the Latin name of Magna Graecia. Here is the modern theory followed by what the ancient Greeks thought had happened. The essence of what we think happened is that a Dark Age invasion of a people known as Dorians swept down from the North, settling first in the Corinthian Gulf and the northwest Peloponnese, then the south and east, and the islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Kos. These Dorians pushed the native Greeks out of their homelands. Eventually some mainland Greeks migrated to Ionia. The ancient Greeks had their own explanation of the Dorian Invasion.... Ancient Version of the Dorian Invasion Archaic Age Hesiod Perseus Theseus Heraclides Hercules Who Were the Dorians? Thucydides on the Greek Colonies Sixty years after the capture of Ilium, the modern Boeotians were driven out of Arne by the Thessalians, and settled in the present Boeotia, the former Cadmeis.... Twenty years later, the Dorians and the Heraclids became masters of Peloponnese; so that much had to be done and many years had to elapse before Hellas could attain to a durable tranquillity undisturbed by removals, and could begin to send out colonies, as Athens did to Ionia and most of the islands, and the Peloponnesians to most of Italy and Sicily and some places in the rest of Hellas.- Thucydides Greeks in Asia Minor During the Trojan War Bronze Age Sallie Goetsch Ionian Settlements Sources: [URL ]Carlos Parada Heraclides[] Early Greek AstronomersIonians mingled with Lydians and Persians and sea-faring people. The Question of a Dorian InvasionThomas Martin Overview of Greek History in this section addresses both the question of the invasion and Greek chronology. Homeric Geography

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay about PhI 103Dq 4 - 887 Words

Fallacies in Media One rich source of fallacies is the media: television, radio, magazines, and the Internet. The arguments you experience in your daily life (work, family, shopping) are another source of fallacies. Identify three distinct informal logical fallacies you have experienced in the media or in your life. Explain how the fallacies were used and the context in which they occurred. Then, explain what the person presenting the fallacy should have done to ensure that he or she was not committing a logical error. You must post to this discussion on at least four separate days of the week, and your posts must total at least 500 words as you address this discussion. This means that, in order to receive full credit, your first post†¦show more content†¦In my argument I have generalized that all shelter are going to be like that but in reality it’s not true it’s just that one we used. This was to use a sad story and scare tactical appeal to a play on emotions of others not only that but appeal to pity as well. Example 2 The other day at work one of the bosses asked who left out the tools. And of course no one said anything. In my defense I was out on calls most of the day so I wasn’t even at the shop. But because one of the bosses is my father n law the other guys said hey Ty tell them it was you because you will not get in trouble like we would. But in reality I would because I should know better I’m one of the boss’s son n law. But I work hard and do a good job so I took the fall for just this once I was the scapegoat and the popular one in the group. But in this argument I would have to say that this one is an appeal to popularity. I would not normally do this but to me it was a form of tradition for the one ac/ guy to take the fall because I work outside of the shop. I’m not that concern of being apart of this group but I work hard and the bosses like me so I did it. And besides I’m going to school to better my life and those guys this job is all they have. Premise: One of the bosses ask who left out the tools. Premise: The other

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Leadership and Management for Measurements and Negative Impacts

Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management for Measurements and Negative Impacts. Answer: Introduction Management and leadership are different qualities even though used interchangeably. Leadership is definable as the practical and social skills that encompass the capability of an individual to offer guidance the people who voluntarily participate in an activity (Mumford, Todd, Higgs McIntosh 2017, p. 24). Management on the other hand, is definable as the organization and coordination of production resources in an organization to achieve a specific goal (Welch-Devine 2012). Both leadership and managers are focused on specific goals; however, it is observable that managers tend to have their titles as honorary, paid to achieve a goal with an authoritarian style. Therefore, managers tend to have people work for them, while leaders are observable as charismatic individuals who guide the people transformational way. It is very common that most business organizations dont perform as expected mainly because of over-management and poor leadership by the authority (Candido Santos 2015, p.241). A number of the failures are due to the fact that most of the managers are under pressure to incite their staff to perform the assigned duties as most of them are more focused on the results and tend to forget about the team feelings. Workers form the primary functional tool in every organization, therefore losing a contact with them or having a weak relationship eventually pose a company to a verge of failure. Real Leadership according to the path-goal theory developed by Robert House in 1971 which insist that the behaviors of leaders have a direct influence on the participation, satisfaction, motivation and the overall performance of the followers (Malik, Aziz, Hassan 2014, p.173) . The theory identifies the following; achievement-oriented, participative, supportive and directive as the leadership approaches that are more influenceable to a successful organization as leaders are flexible and ready to change their styles depending on the situation. The article therefore, looks at the leadership styles approaches and their effects on the overall behavior of employees. Leadership styles There different leadership styles that are used to influence staffs to work more efficiently to achieve a specified goal (Burns 2017). These are; Autocratic Leadership focuses on the authority and power given to an individual allowing them to make all the decisions on their own and then communicate them to the subordinates; therefore the communication is a one-way route. Democratic leadership focuses on including the subordinates in every stage of decision-making process even though the leader holds the final responsibility. Unlike the autocratic Leadership, the communication is both downward and upward. Team leadership entails the creation of a clear picture of its future, what it stands for and where it is heading to hence the clear vision provides a strong sense of the organizations objective. Cross-Cultural leadership is common in societies formed by different cultures like most the international organizations that employ various nationalists. Facilitative leadership focuses more on the measurements and the outcomes rather than the skills of the leader whereby the leader will either facilitate the functionability of the staffs (Burns 2017). Laissez-faire Leadership is a style that transfers the authority to the employees whereby they are allowed to work in accordance to choice of their styles, while crating minimal interference. Transactional Leadership insists on the status quo of the organization, whereby the manager gives the final directions to the subordinate by clarifying for them their expectations and awarding those that are compliant. Coaching Leadership is the process of teaching and monitoring the followers. The leaders are responsible for identifying aspects and stages that require improvement through motivating and inspiring the followers. Charismatic Leadership is a style whereby the leaders manifest the revolutionary power to transform the followers values, and beliefs and the Visionary Leadership style invo lves the recognition of the leadership steps, methods and process are obtainable through and within the followers by transforming their visions into reality. It is observable that most of the organizations tend to fail mainly because of the poor management and lack of leadership skills. Most of the managers always fail to influence positive behaviors among the staffs since they are more focused on the result, aggressive and demanding rather than the human element of the company (Candido Santos 2015, p. 243) .For the productivity of an employee, there should be development and empowerment by the leaders through the strategies and skills, so as to perform to a higher level (Eacott 2011). The improved individual performance eventually boosts the overall organizational performance. Most of the managers also fail to show the leadership skills like offering better conflict resolutions, forming a collaborate and efficient work team. There are four different leadership approaches identified by the Path-goal Theory which is; directive, achievement-oriented, participative and supportive approaches (Malik, Aziz Hassan 2014, p. 174). Directive approach direction is more the same with the autocratic style of leadership whereby the leader commands the subordinates on what and how is required to be done and without their opinion. The directive leadership approach is standard in traditional companies that respect the seniority and experience for example in Japan and China and most of the national militaries. Supportive leadership is an empathetic approach whereby the leaders are focused on delivering guidance and motivation to the follower to achieve individual development and the objective of the organization. The supportive approach is common in game activities; whereby the coaches and trainers help the players to reach their goal of becoming the best hence assist the teams against their opponents. The participative a pproach entails the involvement of the employees in goal setting, problem-solving and team building, though the final decision lies upon the leader. For example, in Toyota Motor in North America, participative style applied by Jim Lentz who is the chief executive officer. Jim Lentz offers guidance to the team by addressing the challenges and failures together with the employees. Finally, the achievement-oriented approach is whereby the leader has a conviction that the followers can do better and therefore, sets up the challenging goals and offer training to the members to achieve better results. In all the leadership paths it is observable that the main aims are to achieve a goal, even though the supportive, participative and achievement-oriented brings the followers close to the leader's ideas, the directive approach tends to make the followers more subject to the goal by not allowing their opinions. The directive approach takes charge of everything by asserting authority from the start in set standards. Conclusion In conclusion, most organizations are under led and over managed as most of the managers aim at giving instructions to achieve goals rather than focus the basic factor of production; the workers issues that when not addressed properly leads to reduced moral and bad behaviors of workers. Therefore, managers need to be reformed to adopt the leadership styles and approaches to create employees satisfaction thereafter increasing their performance and the success of the organization. List of References Burns, W. (2017). A Descriptive Literature Review of Harmful Leadership Styles: Definitions, Commonalities, Measurements, Negative Impacts, and Ways to Improve These Harmful leadership Styles. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 3(1), p.33. Cndido, C. and Santos, S. (2015). Strategy implementation: What is the failure rate?. Journal of Management Organization, 21(02), pp.237-262. Eacott, S. (2011). Leadership strategies: re-conceptualising strategy for educational leadership. School Leadership Management, 31(1), pp.35-46. Holtz, B. and Harold, C. (2012). Effects of leadership consideration and structure on employee perceptions of justice and counterproductive work behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(4), pp.492-519. Malik, S., Aziz, S. and Hassan, H. (2014). Leadership Behavior and Acceptance of Leaders by Subordinates: Application of Path Goal Theory in Telecom Sector. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5(2), pp.170-175. Mumford, M., Todd, E., Higgs, C. and McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive skills and leadership performance: The nine critical skills. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), pp.24-39. Welch-Devine, M. (2012). Searching for Success: Defining Success in Co-Management. Human Organization, 71(4), pp.358-370. Winterton, J. (2013). Book review: Management and the Dominance of Managers: An Inquiry into Why and How Managers Rule Our OrganizationsDiefenbachThomas, Management and the Dominance of Managers: An Inquiry into Why and How Managers Rule Our Organizations, Routledge: New York, 2009; 272 pp.: 9780415443350, 110.00 (hbk); 9780415888684, 26.00 (pbk). Management Learning, 44(2), pp.200-204.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Public and Private Transport free essay sample

A comparison and contrast essay on private and public means of transport Cost * Private transportation by far is the more expensive option. The biggest cost of owning your own vehicle is the purchase price. Additionally, general maintenance such as oil changes, filling the gas tank and auto insurance are ongoing costs of owning a car. Car repairs and parking fees are also sometimes necessary. When choosing public transportation, you pay per ride and the fee is usually quite small, plus you eliminate the maintenance and operating costs associated with having a car. Convenience * Public transportation, such as buses and trains, operates on a set schedule with specific stops, so convenience may be an issue, especially if you live in a place with infrequent or spotty service. You need to take the schedule into account when planning your travel. If you choose to take your own vehicle, youre able to come and go as you please. We will write a custom essay sample on Public and Private Transport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Comfort * Many people feel theyll be more comfortable in their private vehicle. In your car, youre be able to adjust the seat for the highest level of comfort and you can control of the temperature within your car. However, the stress of driving in traffic can make public transportation seem more comfortable. When taking public transportation, you can sit back and relax without worrying about traffic congestion, finding a parking space or dealing with other drivers. Convenient The great thing about public transport is that it gets you where you want to be, when you want to be there, particularly in cities and towns. Rather than only being able to drive to a certain point before getting stuck in a one way system, you can reach your central point directly. Plus you get the bonus of sitting back, relaxing with a newspaper and letting someone else do the driving. Quicker Despite their tendency to get delayed at times, in the majority of instances, your journey from A to B will be quick and often direct as more and more investment is made into new train, tram and bus routes across the UK. Cheaper Contrary to popular belief, nearly all forms of public transport pose less of a cost to the traveller. If you’re regularly visiting a place, or planning a trip in advance, you can get season tickets or advance booked tickets for a cheaper price. The cost of running a car goes much further than the mere cost of petrol, which in itself can be very expensive in the UK. Getting on public transport means no congestion charges, car insurance and tax costs, plus eradicates the expense of maintaining your car to a high standard.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Palouse Falls

Palouse Falls Introduction and Background PaperIntroductionMy project area is Palouse Falls, which is located specifically in La Crosse, WA. I chose this location because I have heard numerous times of how amazing the falls are and I felt this would be a great opportunity to finally see the 198 feet high falls. Palouse Falls interestingly enough doesn't reside in Palouse County; its closest recognizable city is La Crosse or the smaller town of Washtucna, which are in Franklin County. The towns run right along Highway 26. However even when in these towns you still face a little drive either down Ward street Or get onto 261 to get to Palouse falls state park. ("")Geologic Setting, Historical, and Geological significanceMore than 12,000 years ago the largest and most powerful scientifically documented freshwater flood to occur on earth happened in the Pacific Northwest. During the last ice age, ice sheets, could be over 10,000 feet in thickness, an Ice Sheet called the Purcell Trench lobe advanced southward blocking the river in the Clark Fork Valley in northern Idaho and Montana with a 2,000 foot high and 30 mile wide ice dam.Palouse FallsA glacial lake was created that covered much of present-day northern and western Montana under approximately 2,000 feet of water in a 200-mile-long lake. ("Waymarking"). Eventually, water got into the ice dam, which broke down the dam from the inside. The water exploded out of the lake, swept across northern Idaho into eastern Washington, then rushed southwest across the Columbia Plateau, and split at a bluffpart of the flood traveled east but the main thrust traveled down the Columbia River. The floodwaters, moved up to 60 miles per hour, which in turn caused the soil to be stripped away and helped to create created the 198 feet...

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Conquest The day they landed was the most horrible day I have ever been forced to live through.The Soviet Union had begun to regroup. It was not immediately joined by the smaller and weaker nations that made up the northwestern region of the union.The independent nations of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithua would not follow under communist rule again; they were willing to die for their freedom. The U.S.S.R was unable to persuade the remaining components to rejoin them in their conquest and they were hasty to declare war on their counterparts.With war waging in Eastern Europe the United Nations took action. The leader of Russia's communist party and president rejected the UN's cease-fire treaty. Russia was expelled from the United Nations early the next day.The CIA agent, Newton, inched his way through the air conditioning make an effort to remain as quiet as possible. Once he reached the ventilator above the leader's bedroom he unveiled his device, a new prototype developed by his agency.English: A rtcarfest in San Francisco, United State...This devise would unscrew and disable any form of fastener. Using a laser divertor to abstract the laser alarm system path the agent lowered himself into the room.Waiting for the man, a smaller man yet more powerful. The door creaked open slowly and an exhausted fat man entered. As soon as the door had been closed the fat man's throat had been gashed and he lay in a pool of his own warm blood.The United States had volunteered to be a 'cut-off' regiment. We would put pressure on Russia to remove their troops from Eastern Europe and detain their troops in Russia. If they failed to comply with this mandate we would have no choice but to supply aid to Eastern Europe.My regiment was originally from the Southern California area;...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Literary Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Literary Research Paper - Essay Example ions of the Soviet Union, the chaos and violence that occur as a result have long-lasting, often life or death, consequences for those who have taken part (Stern, 1975). Although racial tensions between the Turks and the Cypriots have always proven difficult to manage, which is highlighted in the short story â€Å"Gregory† written by Panos Ioannides in 1963, the choices made by the individuals within the short story serve to indicate that these tensions might not have reached such violent proportions had a few different choices been made on either side. The short story itself is simple enough to summarize. A narrator soldier tells his thoughts and feelings as he follows his orders and performs his duty. The tension involved in this job is revealed from the beginning lines of the story, â€Å"My hand was sweating as I held the pistol. The curve of the trigger was biting against my finger† (648). Although he has obviously held a pistol before, the concept that his hand is sweating around it indicates that either he is in a very warm climate or the presence of the pistol is creating a strong conflict within the man holding it. That the latter interpretation is probably correct is immediately reinforced by the idea that the trigger was ‘biting’ against his finger, fighting against him, injuring him and making him decidedly uncomfortable. The task he faces is made difficult not only because his orders are to execute another man, difficult enough in itself, but also because the man he is ordered to execute is an innoc ent, a friend and a man who had saved the narrator’s life only a few days earlier. In trying to relate the difficulty of the task in front of him, the narrator illustrates the various aspects of both his own life as the unit’s designated executioner and what that has done to his own psyche, but also the aspects of Gregory’s life that make it so difficult for the narrator to squeeze the trigger. Most of these attributes were brought about