Thursday, August 27, 2020

Anglo thought and Anti-Mexican sentiment Essays

Somewhat English idea and Anti-Mexican assumption Essays Somewhat English idea and Anti-Mexican assumption Paper Somewhat English idea and Anti-Mexican assumption Paper As he discloses that to the Native Americans, the Spaniards came like most c[r]uel Tygres, Wolves and Lions, enragd with a sharp and repetitive appetite, (75). This illustrates a uninformed and savage Spain that colonized the Americas without qualm to the individuals who had preceded. Unquestionably, we are shown this picture of the colonizing Spain, even today; we are informed that the Native Americans hushed up sheep, endued with such honored characteristics, before the Spanish showed up and devastated this harmony. Along these lines, we know how the generalizations started, and how they spread across landmasses. Starting with printed purposeful publicity, and spread, maybe by and large, through the self-reactions of the Spanish. This is by all accounts the best hypothesis towards the beginning of the unavoidable antagonism of Anglo-Americans toward Mexican and Hispanic idea and culture. All the more critically, in any case, Powells theory to the reason for this contempt goes about as a notice for Western nations presently confronting a similar circumstance. It appears to be clear that the benefit of the Americas as of now is comparative with that of Spain in the sixteenth century. With such force, comes incredible duty. Ideally in understanding the mistakes of the past, people in the future can abstain from rehashing them. While this hypothesis appears to cover the birthplaces of Anti-Mexican estimation, it doesnt go far to clarify why these generalizations have beaten hundreds of years and across fringes. This might be a significantly increasingly troublesome inquiry to reply. Positively society has learned at this point, the results of the denigration and enslavement of one culture to another, but then it rehearses unreservedly the shaping and propagation of the generalizations that lead to little else yet such denigration and oppression. Totally without result, it appears Anglo-American culture has set marks of negative tons of its Mexican partner. Unflattering terms, for example, apathetic, oblivious, odd, cheating, stealing and fainthearted have reliably been utilized to depict singular Hispanics just as the way of life all in all. The most sensible clarification would be given, to a limited extent by Powell, who relates the contention among Anglo and Mexican Americans to the distinctions in their hard working attitude and socio-strict foundation. The Hispanic ethic is for the most part a communist one; that the ethic natural in Catholic confidence is best spoken to by that of socialism and communism. In Western culture, socialism isn't just looked downward on, however basically dreaded for its suggestions and dangers to an agreeable Catholic way of life. These contemplations, wrapped here and there in the panicky inclination that Communists are ten feet tall in Latin America, lead to the ruthless generalizations and extremism that have apparently become very regular in the Western world (Powell, 4). Conversely, we comprehend that the Protestant ethic is one sponsored significantly more effectively by the fundamentals of free enterprise. It is not necessarily the case that Protestants are for the most part Capitalists, and along these lines, by their very nature, heartless or pitiless. Or maybe it is to clarify that Protestantism was a result of a craving to get away from the aggregate social request of the past, as much as it was a mission for strict opportunity. The two, it was before long acknowledged, are basically indistinguishable in light of the fact that a socialist society can't allow strict opportunity while simultaneously, forbidding other such opportunities. Weber legitimately credits this social delineation to strict precept. He brings up that On shallow examination one may be enticed to communicate the [socio-religious] distinction by saying that the other-experience of Catholicism more likely than not raised its followers to a more noteworthy lack of concern to the beneficial things of this world, (40). By this shallow record, we can positively observe why the way of life may act the manner in which they do. Such a clarification would fit the legal impulses of the gathering on either side of the contention. For Protestants, it very well may be utilized as an analysis of the plain standards of Catholicism; for Catholics, it adds fuel to the contention that realism results through the secularization of all goals through Protestantism, (40). In this contention, genuine or envisioned, we can without much of a stretch perceive how the generalizations are propagated on each side of the gap. Weber proceeds to clarify how the occupations of disciples to every one of these strict affiliations appear to vary, and how the monetary advancement of the way of life is reflected in that. In the past [the Catholics] have, in contrast to the Protestants, experienced no especially unmistakable financial improvement in the occasions when they were abused On the other hand, the Protestants have demonstrated an extraordinary inclination to create monetary realism which can't be seen in a similar way among Catholics, (39-40). This is positively not to state that the generalizations set upon the Catholic Mexican-Americans by their Anglo partners are in any capacity established. This contention clarifies a distinction between the two courses of socio-strict idea, as opposed to endeavoring to make a chain of importance between the two. That is, one belief system isn't viewed as any preferable or more terrible over the other. Or maybe, thusly we can represent populist contrasts between the two. Gibson, Charles, ed. The Black Legend. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1971. Gutierrez, Ramon A. At the point when Jesus Came, The Corn Mothers Went Away. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991. Jackson, Donald, ed. The Journals of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, vols. 1-2. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966. Meyer, Doris L. Early Mexican-American Responses to Negative Stereotyping. New Mexico Historical Review, 53, (1978): 75-91. Paredes, Raymund A. The Mexican Image in the American Travel Literature, 1831-1869. New Mexico Historical Review, 52 (1977): 5-29. . The Origin of Anti-Mexican Sentiment in the United States. The New Scholar, 6 (1977): 139-65. Powell, Phillip Wayne. Tree of Hate. 1971. Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1985. Simpson, Lesley Byrd, ed. The Letters of Jose Senan, O. F. M. Trans. by Paul D Nathan. Ventura County Historical Society, 1962. Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. New York, NY: Charles Scribners Sons, 1958.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Summary and Analysis of The Pardoners Tale Essay example -- Canterbur

Rundown and Analysis of The Pardoner's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Preface to the Pardoner's Tale: The Host imagines that the reason for Virginia's demise in the past story was her excellence. To counter the pity of the story, the Host proposes that the Pardoner tell a lighter story. The Pardoner delays, for he needs to complete his feast, yet says that he will tell an ethical story. He says that he will tell a story with this good: the affection for cash is the foundation of all underhanded. He guarantees that during his lessons he shows futile wastes of time that he makes look like holy people's relics. He gladly tells about how he swindles individuals who accepted they have trespassed. He states unequivocally that his objective isn't to spare individuals from transgression, however to pick up cash from them. The Pardoner says that he won't copy the missionaries in their neediness, yet will have food, comfort, and a vixen in each town. Examination Among the different travelers included in the Canterbury Tales, the Pardoner is one of the most completely acknowledged characters. The main character to whom Chaucer gives more noteworthy detail is the Wife of Bath. The Pardoner is a deceitful shill who shows no second thoughts about making bogus things look like the relics of holy people, however he likewise exhibits an extraordinary feeling of self-hatred. The Pardoner shifts from snapshots of direct genuineness to indecent duplicity, transparently conceding the stunts of his exchange to the voyagers yet in any case endeavoring to utilize these different strategies on these explorers who know about his plans. The Pardoner is in numerous faculties a distorted character, incapable to hold to any reliable code of good conduct. Indeed, even in his genuineness he is twisted. The General Prologue, proposing that the Pardoner takes after a 'gelding or a female horse,' implies that the Pardoner might be a ... ... just articulation of any otherworldliness contained in the Pardoner's Tale. The Pardoner has little worry with genuine strict issues and makes no genuine reference to Christianity. His anxiety is cash, and the Christian religion is just the way to accomplish this end. The Tale itself is a generally oversimplified moral tale that relies on the differentiations among exacting and metaphorical language. The underlying exemplification of death that the little youngster utilizes as a similitude and doublespeak prompts the real physical appearance of Death as a substantial article: the heaps of gold that the three agitators find. The plot of the story gets from the agitators' exacting understanding of code word  ­ since death has taken their companion, they should discover passing. This exemplification of death at long last becomes illustration by and by when the heaps of gold speak to the passing that they find.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Make Visible Search Description in Blogger Blog Post

How to Make Visible Search Description in Blogger Blog Post If you say what is the best part for SEO then I must say about Search Description. Because this is a very significant part of a Blogs SEO. Most of users add search description about Blog which will display in search engine result page. But many of us ignore adding search description in Blog post. Though Search Description always remain hidden inside Blog post but we must write good Search Description from divert organic traffic from search engine. Whatever you write as a Search Description it wont be visible. But this Search Description will be visible in search engine result page. You might see when you make any search query then many links with small description is showing up on search engine result page. That small description is Search Description. When you add a better and unique search description then search users from search result page instantly decide whether to visit this site or not? So always try to write a better Search Description for each post. I did many relevant talked about Search Description but the main purpose of this tutorial to make Search Description visible inside Blog post. Thus after entering into your Blog post page readers get a short idea by reading Search Descriptions. This will work like 2 in 1. Your post will get better visibility on search engine result page on the other hand readers on your Blog post page will get a clear idea of what your Blog post is all about. To make it visible I will use a Meta tag which will make it visible below post Blog Post title inside the post. But dont worry this summary wont be visible on your Blogger home page as post snippets. However before proceed you can see my Blog Post that I have applied this trick to make my search description visible below Post tile above first image. Step 1Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to yourBlogger Dashboard Step 2Click on-Template-Edit HTML- Step 3Now Find]]/b:skinBy Pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac) Step 4Copy the below code and Paste it above/before ]]/b:skin /*Search Description by*/ . BSDesc{background-color:#ECECEC;overflow:hidden;padding:10px;font-size:15px;margin-bottom:15px} . BSDesc p{margin:0;opacity:0.8} Alternative Design Box Style /*Search Description by*/ .BSDesc{background-color:#F6F7F9;border:1px solid #E3EAF0;overflow:hidden;padding:10px;font-size:15px;margin-bottom:15px} .BSDesc p{margin:0;opacity:0.8} Customization Please alter #ECECEC to change the search description box background color. Alter font-size:15px; for changing font size of the widget. Step 5Now again locate data:post.body/ you will find 3 or 4 times this code but use the code for second one. Step 6Copy the below code and Paste it above/before data:post.body/ div class=BSDesc'p itemprop='description'data:blog.metaDescription//p The final code will be like below div class='BSDesc'p itemprop='description'data:blog.metaDescription//pdata:post.body/ Step 7Finally click Save template button and exit from there. In this post I have apply a simple trick. Generally we use a Blog Meta description to give more information to search engine about search description. The Meta description code is like below. meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' itemprop='description'/ I just used data:blog.metaDescription code and added simple design by wrapping up by using CSS code. However you can spice up this search description area by modifying the CSS code such as color, background, Font style, size etc. You are done... to see it live check your Blog post and see search description is visible. And your Blog readers easily can get clear idea by reading search description before go through the whole article. Happy Blogging!!!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Evaluation Of The Umuc Family Clinic Intake Process

After conducting an in-depth analysis of the UMUC Family Clinic intake process, a detailed description of the current and the future processes were modeled. In Stage 1, it was fairly easy to uncover the extremely inefficient methods currently in place at the UMUC Family Clinic. The key inefficiencies that were identified included long wait times for the patient, a lack of an integrated phone response system (IVR), and an unorganized record process. Dr. Martin was precise in his request for improvements to the current state business processes; however, he had great concern with the cost associated with the proposed system. Ultimately, he needs to be assured it could be delivered at a proper price point that would not jeopardize the†¦show more content†¦Stage 3 – EHR – Proposed Technology Solution Improvement Process In Stage 3, enhancements to the UMUC Family Clinic business process will be proposed by recommending HIT (health information technology) solution, consisting of a certified EHR (electronic health system)/EMR (electronic medical records) system. Once this system is implemented, it will immediately improve the current process. Customer complaints are high, and the focus is on the long wait times and redundant processes when a patient arrives to be checked in. Moreover, some nurses are not readily available, because they are preoccupied with other administrative duties within the practice. Inconsistent record keeping practices lead to additional time searching for patient records. A HIPPA violation may be detected if a patient’s record is misfiled or lost; henceforth, creating a need for supplemental time and possible duplication of another medical record may be required. This process can be greatly improved by the HIT solution using a terminal loaded with the EHR solution. T his will allow patients the ability to enter all of their health record information upon their arrival and that information will be instantly available to the nurses and doctors. This process will also give the patient the opportunity to validate the information and make any necessary changes (benefit information, addresses, phone numbers, and medications). Chosen HIT Solution †¢ Product: Epic EHR †¢ Version: Epic 2014

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Expression of Anti-Colonialism in Houseboy by...

â€Å"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said â€Å"let us pray.† We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.†- Bishop Desmond Tutu Satire is a powerful technique generally utilized in order to convey an intense, hard-hitting thought in a mild manner. This technique is used in the novel Houseboy written by Ferdinand Oyono. Houseboy is an anti-colonial novel which with the help of satire reveals the flaws in the colonial period which includes the Christianity spread and â€Å"supposed† policy of assimilation. Oyono depicts the English hypocrisy of the African perception of colonialists. Toundi, the character on whose life the novel is based on, was introduced to the†¦show more content†¦As stated in the quotation above by Tutu the missionaries where there to help them however they did not intend to. â€Å"When we fetched a priest to save his soul, he told him to fuck off. (Page 3)† This quotation represents the behavior that the priests had towards the natives; which is ironical. The role of a priest in a church is to guide the citizens to be better Christians however with the use of their vulgar language is discloses the real â€Å"aim† which is to exploit the natives. Another example is on page15 where the actions of the priests are contradictory to their ideal aims. The priests beat those natives who have committed adultery however in an ideal church the duty of the priest is not to beat but to help the citizens to become better Christians and forgive them for their sins. Oyono uses these examples to mock the roles of the priests. These obs cenities are used by him to make the readers realize that the Europeans were not as clean or pure as they would have seemed. Through many characters Oyono had represented an overall hypocrisy present in the European colonization. Europeans claimed themselves to be a role models and pure for the Cameroonians to follow however how can those who have contradictory actions ever by pure. One example which represents hypocrisy is through Madame’s character. Madame was initially portrayed as the epitome of the European culture. She is seen as aShow MoreRelatedRole of African Elites in Dismantling Decolonization5146 Words   |  21 Pagesprevails today in Africa because of the continuation after independence of the economic, political and social practices established by colonialism. An analysis of the economic, political and social contradictions created by colonialism is, therefore, necessary in understanding and effectively countering neocolonialism. For the contradictions created by colonialism are still realities in contemporary Africa s development. Walter Rodney s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa analyzes the colonial relations

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Description

Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Description. Answer: Introduction In the below mentioned project analyst has given a brief description about the business ethics and corporate governance in the business organisation. Analyst will be discussing the importance of business ethics in a company. Along with that moral duty and commitment to be given by the employees of the organisation will be also observed in below mentioned project. A small discussion in form of definition and importance of corporate governance in business culture will be mentioned at the beginning phase of the analysis. This report will be consisting of case study of Krispies Co. Ltd. (distributor of snack foods), according to which there is an accounting and financial misappropriations will be existing in the books of accounts of the group. To hide the organisational management incapabilitys of managing the working capital requirements, manager followed the process of window dressing presentation of financial statements. Following that, there will be detailed discussion of stakeholder s involved in the company; along with their role in the company with an analysis of effect of fraud on respective stakeholders will be also presented and attached along with the report. Business Ethics The terminology of the Ethics has been taken from the Greek word ethos. According to such ethics here means good character. Ethics are standards or guidelines which need to be followed by an organisation which helps in judging what is right and what is wrong. According to Oluwafisoye Akande, (2013) business ethics here refers to application of ethical and moral guidelines in the operations and workings of business organisation. To be more particular business ethics refers to follow up of set standards in the desired manner and to avoid taking unjust advantage. For instance there are various questions which need to be answered while taking both financial and non financial decisions related to business operations. Some of them are listed below What should an ethical employee do if his/ her bosses pressurise them to follow unethical business operations? What should a business manager do if he/she innocently came across the secret information about the business rival, would it be ethical enough to utilize their secret information and take advantage of it? The ethics is important for all the type of the business weather it is small or large scale business, manufacturing and service. The business ethics involves behaviour which is socially desirable even it is not binding by law and it is dynamic term and may change over time. The key element of business ethics are as follows Values- The values are the moral belief held by the individual, organization and society and carry moral conviction which are relatively permanent. For example a company despite of holding monopoly many charge nominal from the customer due to its value system. Rights- rights are the claim of individual and organization which are provided by the constitution. Duties- These are the obligation which the person of the organization needs to follow. For example every person has the duty to follow the law which is specified by the government. The importance of ethics in business Ethics correspondence to basic human needs- The people needs to be ethical in both personal as well as professional life because their behaviour may affect the life of the thousand of employee. Create credibility with the public- The Company who follows ethics while conducting their operation is respected and honoured by the society even when among those who dont have knowledge of actual working of company. This increase the demand of the company product as customer will think that the company offers value for money. Management credibility with employee- The ethics helps the management in bringing their employee together and builds leadership. The ethics which are set by the organization if followed create common goal and increase the value of the management. Better decision making- The business ethics helps the management in better decision making which are in the interest of the public and employee and helps in creating goodwill of the company even though the decision making is slow. This is because the management who follows ethics takes all the aspect of business such as economic social and ethical while decision making. Ethics and profit are interlinked-The Company who follows ethics creates the value among the customer which values the company over the long run and increases its profitability. The company who emphasize on creating value attain success in the long run although the company may lose money in the short run. Ethics helps in protecting society- The organization which follows ethical behaviour takes measure to prevent the customer and protect workers health even when not mandated by the law. This helps to create company value in the society. Corporate governance The corporate governance is defined as the set of system and process which ensures that the company manage all its operation for the best interest of the entire stakeholder. The system which helps in corporate governance should include certain structure and organization and aspect, the process helps the corporate governance how things are done within such structure and organization system. It is refers as mechanism, relation and process by which corporate is controlled and is directed, balancing the interest of the entire stakeholder. It is the system of rules and practice by which the company operation are directed and controlled (Connelly, 2010). Facts of the case Krispies Co. Ltd. (distributor of snack foods) has taken large loan from bank According to conditions of loan there must be at least $ 75,000 as a bank balance. As on 31st march data cash balance is only $ 50,000 There is a situation that bank might foreclose the loan and company might enter into liquidation process Accountant advised to keep the books open for one more day to keep the scope for future entries Past dated cheque received from Freers foods (a customer of Krispies Co. Ltd.) to match up with the banks requirement. Stakeholders in present situation As per (Lee, 2007) Stakeholders are the person which are involved or might be interested in the business activities. Stakeholders are the pillars of the organisation standings. Any default in any of the business activity will put a great impact on the stakeholders. The following are the below mentioned discussed in above mentioned case study- No. Stakeholders in the current situation Role in business organisation Impact on shareholders due to business liquidation 1 Employees of Krispies Co. Ltd. Employees are part of internal stakeholder group. Their job in organisation is to perform the various task and activities for which they are assigned to, in lieu of respective wages or salaries. Stakeholder as employees is always concerned about their salaries. As more there is growth in organisation more will be there monetary benefits Employees will tend to lose their jobs. Cost cutting and cost reduction will result in lots of job sack. 2 Shareholders and key investors of Krispies group Business owners are part of internal stakeholder group. Owners are deeply interested in profitability of the business enterprise. More the profits more will be return on their capital employed. Their capital will be eroded or might result in a significant loss due to reduction in share prices and decrease or very less payment of dividend. 3 Suppliers of group Suppliers are part of external stakeholder group. Supplier want to continue business relations with the firm and most likely wants to increase the sales revenue generated due to business organisation Reduction in sales revenue of the supplier. 4 Community including local residents and people in its geographical area of business Community is part of external stakeholder group. They might be local residents, shop owners, tea and coffee vans operating due to purchases made by the staff of the organisation Will affect the earnings of the locality badly. 5 Lenders including banks Lenders are part of external stakeholder group. They want that both of their principal and interest portion is to be repaid by the firm. Increase in NPAs and loss asset criteria. 6 Customers of food products manufactured by Krispies Co. Ltd. Customers are part of external stakeholder group. Consumer got adopted to particular taste and preferences and loyal to the products and services offered by the company Unavailability of the required product and services 7 Government of land Government is part of external stakeholder group. Government is interested in business due to earnings through taxation revenue. Further it creates employment opportunities to the residents of the country. Reduction in taxation revenue and growth in unemployment rate of the economy. Ethical issues involved in the present case study According to (Goel, and Ramanathan, 2014) Ethics are the moral values which decide what is wrong and what is right while making a decision. In the above mentioned case study there are lots of issues related to accounting and financial disclosures which are unethical in nature. Such issues should be controlled, reviewed and monitored accordingly. Alternatively necessary actions are to be taken to stop such mal practises in future course of action. Taking reference from the above case study analyst has observed the following ethical issues in the organisation As in general like most accounting and financial disclosure frauds are due to misappropriation and wrongly presentation of financial statements. Similarly in the above case Naomi Kidman, accountant of the Krispies Co. Ltd. asked assistant accountant to not to close the books of accounts to cover up the illegitimate funds shortage in accounting books. This is to due to management of cash requirement as required by the lender bank. This was done intentionally and not following the general accounting guidelines and principles. Taking cheques of previous dates. Not managing the working capital requirement properly in timely manner. Taking huge business risk which might even affect the going concern aspect of business enterprise. Course of action might be taken and consequences of each Organisation might take some actions which are unethical in nature just to ascertain unjust advantage. It is up to ones discretion in choosing the right path in preparation of financial statements. This will not only violate the ethical laws but also breaches the criminal law of the land. The following are the unethical course of action taken by an organisation and its further consequences are tabulated below No. Course of action Consequences of such action 1. Not closing books of accounts and creating differences in dates and other relevant data of financial instrument. Will be defaulter of the banking act and negotiable instrument act. 2. Deliberate omission of data entry in accounting and financial statements Has to face lots of penalties and fines. With further effect business has to face lots of troubles in terms of governmental controls and regulations. With effect of Sarbanes Oxley act 2002, this enhances the chances of business to expose to various fines. Additionally persons responsible for managing the operations of business can be held liable for legal proceeding for unethically presenting the financial statements of the business. For instance in the present scenario of Krispies Co. Ltd can be held responsible for the above factor of financial statement misrepresentation. 3. Wrong and misappropriation of assets recognition 4. Wrong valuation of the business assets of the organisation 5. Increase in business expenditure in wrongly manner Conclusion From the above research case study analyst with the help of framing up of a questionnaire on ethical principles and general norms which helps an individual to decide what is correct and what is wrong in the organisational sense. On reviewing the case study report on Krispies Co. Ltd various conclusion have been generated while analysing cause effect relation in prospect of the organisational stakeholders. To be more precise this shows the results of unethical tasks on the group which is interested in the activities of business in direct or indirect manner. With further effect analyst has also discussed the various ethical issues involved in the present case study. Along with that there is a brief information on consequences of issues involved over the group performance of a business organisation was mentioned in above report. References Goel, M. and Ramanathan, M.P.E., 2014. Business Ethics and Corporate Social ResponsibilityIs there a dividing line?.Procedia Economics and Finance,11, Available at Lee, K., 2007. Who Are the Stakeholders?.Journal of Technology Studies,33(1), Available at Connelly, B.L., Hoskisson, R.E., Tihanyi, L. Certo, S.T., 2010, Ownership as a form of corporate governance, Journal of management studies,47(8), Available at - Oluwafisoye, O. and Akande, O., 2013. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility THE PERCEPTION OF EMPLOYEES ON BUSINESS ETHICS IN AN ORGANIZATION. Available at -

Friday, April 10, 2020

Up to what extent are Human Rights an obstruction Essay Example For Students

Up to what extent are Human Rights an obstruction Essay to the fight against terrorism? Ever since the birth of modern democracies and especially after the development of social, civil and human rights and their incorporation into the states legal and constitutional instrumentation, terrorism has been a distressing problem for both individual states and the international community as a whole. Terrorism is not only an undemocratic means to reach certain political or social objectives, but it is also an anti-democratic phenomenon. Hence states have found, both in the domestic and international sphere, great difficulties in rooting out the problem within so-called democratic boundaries. The importance of certain rights, enshrined in international treaties and within most states constitutional machinery, coupled with the complications of combating the phenomenon of terrorism within the legal, political and social framework of democracy, have combined to produce certain legally enforceable rights under which certain terrorist activities have found protection. It is therefore worthwhile to put forward the question of whether certain provisions in Human Rights legislation pose an effective barrier against certain anti-terrorist policies conducted by individual states, and whether this is just a side-effect of the importance of the protection of Human Rights throughout states world-wide. We will write a custom essay on Up to what extent are Human Rights an obstruction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Individual states form their own policies against terrorism, subject to the limits imposed by constitutional restrictions and those treaties entered by those, which concern this issue. Perhaps the most illustrative example of this situation are the states party to the European Convention of Human Rights. The European Convention of Human Rights enshrines certain inalienable rights of the individual, and it is enforced through the mechanisms of the European Court of Human Rights. Every citizen who holds the nationality of a member state or who has sufficient interest in the case may forward a claim to the European Court based on any alleged breach of an article of the Convention. During the past years, instances of suspected terrorists or individuals connected with terrorist activities bringing claims before this Court have taken place, and a certain number of articles have come under scrutiny of the Courts in relation with anti-terrorist policies or actions. Additionally, other articles have not yet been used in this line of complaints, and yet could pose another set of difficulties in the states fight against terrorism if invoked for the protection of certain activities and given individuals. The European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) has therefore affected measures touching three main spheres in individual European states anti-terrorist measures: legislation, police procedures and certain limitations on citizens democratic rights. Legislation lies at the core of any states policy in combating terrorism within its own frontiers. In passing certain laws, the state does not only empower its organisms in their capacities, but also legitimises its actions both legally and morally before its population. Anti-terrorist legislation (or any legislation, for that matter) in any European state must be passed in accordance to its own constitutional provisions and to any external legislation which binds it. Such is the case of the ECHR. In many instances, states have attempted to implement legislation which in its view was constitutional and which has nevertheless been found to be in breach of the Convention. An example of this conflict between domestic legislation and the ECHR is the group of cases which have arisen against the United Kingdom concerning the situation in Northern Ireland, especially regarding the piece of legislation known as the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Northern Ireland Emergency Provisions Act 1978 These Acts were aimed at furthering army powers of arrest and the searching of premises without warrant, as well as other anti-terrorist measures. The Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Northern Ireland Emergency provisions Act have come to the attention of the European Court mainly through three cases brought before it, concerning alleged breaches of art 5 in all three instances. .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .postImageUrl , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:hover , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:visited , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:active { border:0!important; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:active , .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u62a32e548e486859b49dfb35a9957bff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood Analysis EssayArticle 5 of the ECHR protects the individual from arbitrary arrest and detention, providing the citizen with a right to his liberty and security, and establishing the legitimate pathway of legal arrest. The article is divided into five sections, covering prompt information of grounds of arrest, prompt delivery of the prisoner before a judge and his entitlement to trial within a reasonable amount of time, rights of the .